February 19: ASK an Expert - The Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) and Procedural Safeguards


Learn about the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) process, be informed about parent involvement in an IFSP and explore the rights that parents have with an IFSP.

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Melissa Schnurr, Ph.D., CD(DONA), Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD) for IDEA Part C Consultant, works at the Iowa Department of Education. She was an Assistant Professor in Human Development at the University of Wisconsin – Green Bay for three years prior to joining the Iowa Department of Education in 2012. As the CSPD consultant for Iowa, Melissa leads and coordinates all work related to the CSPD plan including working with higher education, in-service professional development, standards and competencies, and recruitment and retention of early interventionists and early childhood special education providers. She is active at the state and national level in the Council for Exceptional Children’s Division for Early Childhood (DEC).

Tonya Krueger MA, RDN, LD is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Early ACCESS Program Manager for Child Health Specialty Clinics. She has 20 years of professional experience and her work in Iowa has included roles within Head Start, Iowa State University and Early ACCESS. She lives in central Iowa with her husband and daughter and enjoys gardening and cooking.